OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Raspian / RPi2 and updates

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  • #46465


    Hi all, First pass at OSPi. Going great. Got it built, registered with Wunderground and updates OS as I could.

    Can I go to latest Debian, or is that provided by the Raspian ecosystem?
    Am guessing thats going to be tied to the Raspian versions?

    For the OSPi, i am at 2.1.4 from the original install, and see 2.1.7 is available. Should I at least go to 2.1.6?

    I only have 2 zones now.. but. look forward to seeing how far this goes!


    John W.



    I am pretty sure you can go with Debian as the firmware should be able to compile under Debian. It’s not tied to any specific Raspbian version. In fact, the firmware is compilable under most Linux systems (and is what runs)

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Raspian / RPi2 and updates