OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware no weather adjustments anymore

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  • #46493


    First of all im very pleased with this project. I have a running OSPi-AC configuration for more than a year. Im very happy with this tiny but powerful hardware an the iOS App.
    Unfortunatly since the last firmware update to 2.1.7 i have an issue with the WU weather adjustment. Despite a valid key and correct weather data
    (Weather Data info Screen shows the correct datas but the last successful weather call is always empty) there is no adjustment (acc zimmermann method) anymore. Only the manual entered values are effective. There is also no change on the sprinkler homepage if i modify the zimmermann algorithym values. Does anyone have suggestions to resolve this issue? How can i downgrade to the previous firmware on an OSPi?
    Many thanks



    First, yes you can downgrade to previous firmware — you can either go to the release history:
    and find the firmware you needed. Or you can go through the commit history and identify the commit point that corresponds to the firmware you needed and check out that version.

    Second, I don’t believe the weather algorithm issue is particular to firmware 2.1.7. Did you check the Last Successful Weather Call time stamp (this is available in Weather Diagnostic dialog). That time stamp shows the most recent weather query result. If it’s empty or not within the past hour, that means it’s not getting the weather query result. It could be that something on your network is blocking the return packets to your OSPi.



    Thank you for your answer. I fixed the issue in the meantime by myself. During new configuration after the firmware update (I forgot to save my previous config ;)) I missed the location setup. My location was correct displayed but obviously not correct processed by WU. A new selection in menu options/system/location was finally successful.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware no weather adjustments anymore