OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Feature request: Netatmo Weather Information

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  • #47072


    is it possible to implement a direct weather Report from Netatmo Weather Stations?
    I use until now a Oregon Weather Station which is reporting to Wunderground. As that Station is broken i replaced the Station with a Netatmo Station.
    But Wunderground not Show that Station nw (i contacted the Support a lot of time to link the Station, but i even not get a answer).
    So my question is if it maybe possible to get a second Weatherprovider in the Firmware. As Netatmo is also quite popular and also provide a API it should be possible to use it.
    I`m just not aprogrammer and cant do by my own.








    The firmware itself doesn’t directly query Wunderground. Instead it queries server, which runs a nodejs script that further queries Wunderground to obtain weather data. You can definitely host the script on your own server, and then point OpenSprinkler firmware to that new script location using:
    where x.x.x.x is your OpenSprinkler’s IP address. There is still a lot of details to sort out here, particularly how you can adapt the script to query your Netatmo station. The nodejs script is available on Github:
    and hopefully it won’t be too difficult to modify it to adapt to your Netatmo station.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Feature request: Netatmo Weather Information