OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OSPi Remote Access

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    I have trawled this forum and other forums, but can’t find any clear answers on setting up secure remote access.

    I am set up with OSPi running with a Raspberry Pi Zero W on the latest Raspbian Lite. All is running sweet.

    I would like to set up remote access although I am unsure of the best way, or how to go about it.

    There are instructions here for setting up secure remote access, although they are written for an older version of OSPi.
    They may be still applicable (although somewhat difficult to follow). Can anyone comment on this?

    Some have said VPN is the way to go. I am unsure how this works without a desktop environment. Can VPN be used with access to OpenSprinkler via the phone app?




    I use a VPN for remote access. There is no direct relationship between the VPN and OpenSprinkler. Once connected via the VPN my Android phone can access my home network as if it was local. Step-wise, I start the VPN client on my phone and then run the OpenSprinker phone app. In general the difficult part is setting up the VPN. You need a VPN server on your home router, assuming it provides a VPN capability, (or on a device on the network that you can connect to) and a compatible client on the device that you want to access from.



    in which GPIO pin the is to be connected the rain sensor ?



    @wifi75: your question does not seem to be relevant to this thread. You can find GPIO pin uses in the OSPi user manual:
    page 7.



    Is there any way to remote access OSPi / OS on a 3G/4G network?



    @Vinnai: I am not exactly sure what you mean. Did you mean that you use your phone to remotely access OSPi / OS, or that your OSPi / OS is on a mobile (3G/4G) network? If it’s the former, please check the Port Forwarding tutorial:



    Im sure he is asking about a 3g or 4g connection to the OSPi like using a 3g hat for thr raslberry. I never got help on this but was able to connect using a 3g routher and vpn .

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OSPi Remote Access