OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.8 Firmware Availability

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    So I’ve seen a few posts about people going to 2.1.8. I know there was an app issue, and people were reverting back to 2.1.7, but I believe that was fixed (and I got an app update either yesterday or the day before).

    That being said, is 2.1.8 going to be available through the OpenSprinkler Updater tool? Right now, the tool pulls 2.1.7. Has 2.1.8 been released, and if so, is the expectation that everyone needs to use GIT to compile, or is it going to be available through the updater?



    We have not officially released firmware 2.1.8 yet (still finishing up documentation). This firmware is primarily focused on OpenSprinkler 3.0 — the only part that’s relevant to OpenSprinkler Pi is increased maximum number of expanded zones and increased maximum number of programs. Unless if you need more than 56 zones, or more than 17 programs, there is no need to upgrade to 2.1.8 for OSPi users.

    The app issue you were referring to is only relevant to OSPi. For OpenSprinkler 3.0, we recommend upgrading to firmware 2.1.8 if there is any WiFi connection issue. Otherwise, firmware 2.1.7 works just fine. The reason we are still finishing up documentation is that this is the first new firmware released after what comes with OpenSprinkler 3.0 (firmware 2.1.7) so we want to make sure the firmware upgrade instructions are clear to minimize the number of potential issues.

    My reply here has details about specific changes in firmware 2.1.8:



    Thanks Ray – I thought that I had read somewhere last fall that ET was targeted to come in 2.1.8. I’m running an OS v2.3, with the unified firmware.



    The integration of ET gets more complicated now that WUnderground has stopped issuing free keys. We’ve just switched to OpenWeatherMap API.



    One question for 2.3 hardware where do I get 2.1.8 version?



    2.1.8 only affects OS 3.0 and OSPi, it has not changed anything for OS 2.3. But don’t worry — this is NOT a sign that we are stopping support for OS 2.3 — this firmware is mainly aimed to fix some issues of OS 3.0 (by compiling the firmware with the latest ESP8266 WiFi library, and enabling support for expander 3.0 revision 1). Since these issues don’t apply to OS 2.3, this firmware has nothing to do with OS 2.3.



    Reading between the lines above … what is the status of last Summer’s OSBee firmware support project?



    I’m also using OS2.3 and would like to know if I can use OpenWeatherMap with Firmware 2.1.7 or have to wait for an update.
    Can I use my Netatmo Weather Station with OpenWeatherMap? I bought my Netatmo station only because it was meant to support WeatherUnderground but it never fetched my station. So I would like to switch to OpenWeatherMap.



    The switch to OpenWeatherMap is automatic for all OpenSprinkler users — this is a change done on server, and does not require any firmware change.

    About Netatmo: I’ve replied in another thread that we will be looking into it.

    About OSBee: I mentioned in a different thread that we will soon be releasing a third variant of OpenSprinkler, called OpenSprinkler latch, which is in the same form factor as OpenSprinkler 3.0 but uses latching solenoid driver board. It runs the same OpenSprinkler firmware and is designed for latching valves only. We currently don’t plan to adapt OS firmware to OSBee, because changing the OS firmware to fit OSBee is fairly involved, and OSBee was meant to be a smaller controller for only 3 zones — in my mind it has a better program interface which is very flexible (allows you to schedule zones in any arbitrary order or in parallel). On the other hand, the same program interface isn’t easy to adapt to OS 3.0 — as OS 3.0 now supports up to 72 zones, that program interface isn’t really suitable for a large number of zones.



    Thanks, Ray, for this info. So I now use OpenWeatherMap. If I could only submit my own temperature and (more important) rain data, my OpenSprinkler could work even more reliable.



    Excellent news on latch! I’ve been waiting since this feature was hinted last year to order – how soon is soon that this will be realisticially ready to ship?



    I am on vacation (in Greece!) at the moment and will be back next week. I expect OS 3.0 Latch to ship soon (a week?) after next week.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.8 Firmware Availability