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  • #52164


    New to OpenSprinkler and the time in the web GUI is off. I have the latest Raspbian Stretch Lite installed on an Rpi3 using a Sainsmart 16 relay board. Setting up Raspbian and getting OpenSprinkler installed went easy enough. But I noticed the time was off on the dashboard and going into options shows a greyed out option for setting the timezone.

    Raspbian CLI timezone was set using raspi-config and shows correctly when a ‘timedatectl status’ is issued. Any guidance on how to get the OpenSprinkler GUI to display the correct timezone?



    Ok, weird. Just logged into the OpenSprinkler web GUI and it had the correct time. The greyed out timezone option was even correct. Didn’t touch a thing. I guess I’ll chock this up to being solved for now.

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