OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware http station. issue?

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    Hi, im using the HTTP station feature to send URL requests to remote solar powered esp8266 devices with latching solenoids in the field.
    This is all working, however, it would appear that OSPi keeps sending off requests to the station, at an interval of around 70 seconds.
    im using version 1.8.2 firmware 2.1.8. Its not repeating the off for a station thats been on. if I define a station as HTTP, it will start sending off
    requests almost straight away. Its also not all the HTTP stations.
    After noticing this “feature” ive used tcpdump to monitor the frequency and at a loss why this is so!, I even created dummy stations to see if it was just the
    first one etc. tcpdump confirms its sending requests to these as well.
    Hoping someone can comment if this is everyone or just me, and wherein the code I would look for this problem.
    As I said it’s not all stations, so it’s not like some sort of routine to make sure all solenoids are off. and it wouldnt be such a problem except the switching is done via relay’s so thats going to break them quickly.
    Thanks for any assistance or to be pointed in the right direction.




    Go to Edit Options -> Advanced, turn off the ‘Special Station Auto Refresh’ flag. This flag is on by default, because the controller needs to periodically make sure the remote station is in sync with its status (due to the fact that the communication is one-way and the controller does not receive any feedback from the remote station). So when the flag is on, it repeatedly sends command periodically. If you turn it off, it won’t send these repeated commands.



    Great news, thanks Ray. that’s now working well.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware http station. issue?