OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Questions on running an OS local weather service for a Netatmo Weather Station Reply To: Questions on running an OS local weather service for a Netatmo Weather Station



@peter I’m more than happy to describe the necessary steps taken for including Netatmo Weather Stations.

Netatmo Weather Stations are not automatically supported by the drivers that come with WeeWX. However, there exists a Netatmo/WeeWX driver written by Matthew Wall that can be added to WeeWX. The procedure to install the driver is straightforward and best described at his github repository.

Before following these installation instructions it is necessary to obtain a Client id and a Client secret via the web site. For this purpose a Netatmo Connect project has to be started and an APP has to be created in addition to the username and password already available for the existing Netatmo account.

Whilst creating the APP there is a form showing up and the fields to fill in are at least <Name>, <Description>, <Data Protection Officer name> and <Data Protection Officer email>. I have filled in WeeWX Interface, WeeWX Interface to Netatmo cloud data, my Name and my Email Address. The Email Address should be the same as used for logging in to the Netatmo account, all the other text may vary. After saving this form the so called “Technical Parameters” Client id and Client secret can be obtained.

These credentials together with the username (Email Address) and password are needed in Step 3 of the Installation Instructions outlined by Matthew Wall, wich can now be performed.

I have had the problem that the “sudo wee_config –reconfigure” command didn’t change the /etc/weewx/weewx.conf file as expected. So it is best to have a closer look at this WeeWX configuration file, which should contain:

# Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
# in this file with a ‘driver’ parameter indicating the driver to be used.
station_type = netatmo

username = <Email Address as used for Netatmo login>
client_secret = <Client secret as obtained from the Netatmo Connect website>
password = <Password as used for Netatmo login>
driver = user.netatmo
client_id = <Client id as obtained from the Netatmo Connect website>
mode = cloud

If not the corresponding changes can be made with: sudo nano /etc/weewx/weewx.conf.

It is also necessary to stop and start WeeWX whenever there are changes made to the /etc/weewx/weewx.conf file.
Commands to use are: sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop and sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start.

Remark: As you already described, if WeeWX and the OS Weather Service should run on the same Raspberry PI it is also necessary to specify the local Weather Service IP in theWeeWX configuration file as follows:


enable = true
station = anyText
password = anyText
server_url =
rapidfire = False

Hope to be some help.