OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Pause feature would make it perfect

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    Many times I would like to pause the sprinklers while someone is needing to enter and exit my house. Also I would love to pause it while I pull into my garage so I don’t get my newly washed car spotted from grass next to the driveway. A simple 1 minute pause button you can hit up to 10 times would make this so useful. I understand the complexity of having to adjust the remaining program times but please add this most useful feature. Thanks.


    Darren Clissold

    Please add this feature. It would make it perfect.
    To me, this is the only thing missing.



    There is an implementation of this feature in a development branch of the firmware currently:
    it hasn’t been merged into the master branch yet but we are working on it.



    After switching from RainMachine, I’m missing the ability to pause.. too many reasons I want to stop a program briefly then turn it back on.

    Anyway yeah +1 😉


    Chad Nordberg

    I know we would love to have the pause feature as well. Too many times you need to pause a valve or multiple valves to get into the field for a few minutes, or to have mainline pressure for filling sprayers or water tanks, or you need to take some photos of the crop, or for troubleshooting purposes. Looking forward to having this feature soon.


    Darren Clissold

    I too would love the pause feature. Any idea when it might make it to the master branch?
    It is the only thing missing to make this a perfect system/application.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Pause feature would make it perfect