OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Enable/disable program through API

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    I have a question about OpenSprinkler API. I know that it is possible to enable/disable programs through API, but here is the situation. I only need to enable/disable programs that are already created and I don’t need anything else. How the API command should look like for this case?

    Thank You.



    Assuming you are running firmware 2.1.8, you can use the change program (/cp) API to enable or disable an existing program. This is not yet documented in the API document, but it’s in the firmware code:
    for example:
    will disable the program whose index is given by pid.



    Thank You for Your answer. Yes, indeed that is exactly what I needed and it works perfectly, but now I face another problem. I use API to disable/enable zones and disable/enable rain dependency on each zone. This is syntax that I use: http://ip/cs?pw=password&d0=1 or http://ip/cs?pw=password&i0=1 and this is working fine for zone1, but if I instead use: http://ip/cs?pw=password&dX=1 or http://ip/cs?pw=password&iX=1 where X is from 1 to 7, it does nothing, so the commands work only for the first zone, where could the problem be?



    Please check the API document carefully. For this API, d0 sets the disable bits of the first 8 zones, not just the first zone. d1 sets the next 8 zones and so on. Each value is in the range of 0 to 255 representing the bit field of a set of 8 zones.



    Thank You again, I will try this next week. I have another question: what should I write in API to change weather method to zimmerman? Right now I use: os-ip/co?pw=password&o31=manual and os-ip/co?pw=password&o31=zimmerman –> The first one with manual works, but zimmerman doesn’t, how do I do this?



    The value of o31 is integer: 0 means manual, 1 is zimmerman, and 2 is auto rain delay.



    Wonderful, thanks!



    Hello Ray,

    I have tried to use the change program (/cp) API to enable or disable an existing program. Unfortunately, it does not work as described. The error returned is {“result”:16} Data Missing (e.g. missing required parameters). Details are:

    Get Program Data via http://x.x.x.x/jp?pw=xxx results in:

    {“nprogs”:2,”nboards”:1,”mnp”:35,”mnst”:4,”pnsize”:16,”pd”:[[51,1,2,[420,0,0,0],[1800,1800,1800,0,0,0,0,0],”Summer 2019″],[50,1,2,[16474,0,0,0],[600,600,600,0,0,0,0,0],”Hot Summer 2019″]]}

    Enable program via http://x.x.x.x/cp?pw=xxx&pid=1&en=1 results in:


    App Version: 2.0.3, Firmware: 2.1.8, Hardware version: 3.0 – DC

    Any ideas?



    result: 16 means some data is missing:
    I am not quite sure why you are getting this return value. You said your firmware is 2.1.8, but do you see a minor revision, like 2.1.8 (3) is minor revision 3? I could be that you are on an earlier minor revision of 2.1.8 that doesn’t support the en= parameter in /cp.



    There is no minor revision shown in the About information. Is there another way to check the firmware details? I think I will wait for the 2.1.9 firmware release to update my OpenSprinkler. I don’t need the feature to enable or disable an existing program right now. But it is good to know that it will be at least available with the latest 2.1.8 firmware release.



    If it doesn’t show any minor revision number, then it’s likely you have minor revision 0, which probably didn’t implement this API. Firmware 2.1.9 should be ready soon, we’ve finished the bulk of the implementation and just finishing up UI implementation and doing final testing.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Enable/disable program through API