OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware manually run a station?

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    Rob Freyder

    I ran a opensprinkler beagle bone for a few years until it died. Just got a new OS 3.0 unit with ethernet.
    Its working great with the schedule I created but I need an easy way to turn a station on or off for testing.
    I’ve got a sprinkler repair guy here now and I’ve stumbled through the run-once menu stopping and start programs and its all very, very cumbersome.

    The old version had an easy way to turn a station on or off manually.

    How do we do that in firmware version 2.1.8?




    Just tap the station card on the homepage. This will prompt for a duration which can quickly be set to a minute and started.

    Hope that helps!


    Rob Freyder

    Feeling pretty stupid right about now. I could have sworn I tried that.



    Ron Kucharski

    I would like to run stations manually WITHOUT having to set a run time. Can this be done? Can the firmware be modified to accept a run time of zero ??

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware manually run a station?