OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather question and Weather error: building weather history

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Ray.
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    I am experiencing an couple of issues with the weather calls.

    First, how often are the weather calls made. I would expect them to be every hour. I sometimes see last call: 14 hours ago. Why does it wait so long? Is there a place to set how often to make the calls?

    Second, the first problem won’t matter if the second is not resolved. Under system diagnostics I see Weather Service: Error and Last Response: Building Weather History.
    Any idea what that is about?



    The weather call is made every 2 hours:

    Regarding the error ‘Building Weather History”, I just became aware of the weather call error: this has to do with the daylight savings time change yesterday. Apparently our current script has a bug that if DST is not accounted for, then the next day it returns an error that it didn’t get sufficient 24-hour weather data from yesterday. This should resolve itself by midnight today once we are outside of the 24-hour window. but obviously we will fix it so it doesn’t happen again next year.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather question and Weather error: building weather history