OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Custom GPIO in the web interface

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    I am trying to get OpenSprinkler to work ok an Iono Pi as I have one lying around. The only problem I have is that I need to change the GPIO pin assignments.

    I have found in definitions.h where to change the pins for the built-in functions and which pins are available. When I do this and rebuild OpenSprinkler, the list of pins I can select in the web interface has not changed. However, when I select a pin which is no longer “free” in my new definition, I do get an error-message. So it seems the definition was changed, but is not reflected in the web interface.

    Can anyone tell me what the source is for the list of available pins in the web interface? Is this stored in some other file?





    The UI also keeps a list of free pins:
    so if you need to change the free pin list, you will have to change both the firmware as well as the UI. You can certainly clone the UI, change it, and run it locally (just double click index.html to launch the UI). Another work-around is to use HTTP API to send command to the controller manually to set GPIO zones. This allows you to bypass UI so you only need to modify the pin list on the firmware side.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Custom GPIO in the web interface