OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unable to Update Location

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  • #65273


    I’ve noticed that I cannot update the weather location. It seems that the Google Maps integration is not functioning (please see attached). When I try to change the location, it defaults to the State I’m in, and I am not able to update to a specific address. If I recall, at onetime I was able to choose the closest weather station. What is the expected functionality for selecting the location: my address, the closest weather station, something else? Please see the attached screen shot.

    As always thanks for your help!

    App Version: 2.1.9
    Firmware: 2.1.9 (1)
    Hardware Version: OSPi



    Thanks for reporting this. We are taking a look at this issue — it seems to do with Google Map API. We are contacting Google support and will follow up as soon as we hear back. In the meantime, it seems you can navigate the map and visually select a point, even if the search bar doesn’t work. Also, to choose a weather station (I assume this is using PWS), you need a valid Wunderground API key, in case you are not aware.



    Turns out to be a Google API permission setting issue. It should be fixed now. Try again and see if it works.



    Thanks. It’s working now.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unable to Update Location