OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Why does Interval Days value have to be 2 or greater?

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    I have a number of zones that run daily. But to do that, I have to use Weekly and then select every day rather than just run on an interval of 1 day. Why is that?



    Well, it’s exactly because you can already do that by selecting every day using a weekly schedule — selecting interval of 1 day is equivalent to selecting all of Monday to Sunday.



    No offense, but that’s not really much of an answer beyond “it’s that way just because”. “Interval” suggests a regular pattern, while the Weekly function is, in every single other app I’ve ever used, intended for custom distributions by specific weekday. Is there some sort of boundary problem with the code that it can’t handle an iteration of 1? Or did the developers simply overlook that fundamental use case? Those things happen, no big deal — but there are actual solutions.



    There is no technical barrier — the interval can certainly be 1, there is no boundary problem. It’s just that the current way is what the firmware has been since beginning, and no one has ever requested the ability of settings interval to 1. I think people are used to the way traditional sprinkler controllers work where you set a program, and you choose weekdays the program runs on, and if you want it to run each day, then just select all weekdays. Back in my mind my reasoning was probably that ‘weekday’ schedule and ‘interval day’ schedule should cover different sets of capabilities, so that if one of them already supports ‘everyday’ capability, the other does not need to overlap and cover the same capability as well.



    I too was puzzled by this. I have a lot of programs I need to set up, and all of them are daily, so I was looking for interval 1 day. Saves me about 7 clicks per program. Also, when I am done with all the programs, I have to double check every one of them to make sure I clicked all 7 days. Not a big deal, but why not let us put interval 1 as an option?



    Totally agree — this is a minor (like 1 line) code change, could easily be incorporated into a subsequent firmware release. The sight overlap of capabilities far from unique, and a “daily” (i.e. 1-day interval) watering pattern is pretty usual stuff.

    As a long-time developer, I honestly do appreciate the purity of the “no overlap” school of thought. But I’ve since spent decades working with UX design teams who’ve convinced me that the user’s convenience is more important.



    I see, I agree that being able to change the program from N-day to 1-day when editing is indeed a convenience needed in your case. I will update the firmware to accept 1 day interval. Yes, this is just one line of change in the firmware and in the UI.



    Awesome — that’s great news. Thanks Ray.



    Yes to this is Awesome. Thanks Ray for the quick response.



    Nice change. I was thrown off by it too when setting mine up to water some newly planted seed.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Why does Interval Days value have to be 2 or greater?