OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Underground is offline every 2 days.

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  • #68120

    Rob van de Goor

    I have the following issue using Weather Underground for my personal weather station. Every 2 days I see the the service offline and not available.
    When I delete the API key, save settings and paste the key and save the settings the service is available again.
    Does anybody have an answer to this strange behavior?

    I run the latest firmware 1.9.7 (2.20) and have a OpenSprinkler 3.0 AC powered.



    Not sure. I link to WU as my backyard weather station is providing the local weather data. Have zero issues with the latest firmware.
    Are you sure the WU is being properly updated? You can test the WU API key by requesting data to verify it’s working.

    I initially had trouble telling the system where my station is located. When you load the API key and test it does the system report a green indicator?

    I also initially had trouble clicking on the map to tell the system which station to use. Can’t recall exactly how I overcame that but I did have to reboot system a couple of times.


    Rob van de Goor

    What I figured out is that the Weather Service is offline every few hours. In the beginning I thought is was every 2 days. I have checked more times and the result was every few hours. It is still not stable. Some days no issues and out of the blue, offline. The wifi connection is good but maybe the amount of time when checking for an update for the weather, the time is not enough. I thought the checking time is 1 sec. This could be a bit shot and causes the that the weather service is offline.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Underground is offline every 2 days.