OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Is there a way to tell via API if the station is running via manual start?

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    Is there a way to tell if a given station is running from a program or from a manual individual start?
    I have a setup in a remote location and I seen in the GUI Logs that there are multiple runs for a station (Attached image)
    I wonder if the OS is having problems or if someone is running the station manually.
    I have been abe to set up Node-red to catch MQTT for each station so I can then call the API and get whatever info I need.

    I am using /jc to get back current OS info.
    There is a “Program status data” (each element is a 3-field array that stores the [pid,rem,start] of a station, where
    pid is the program index (0 means none), rem is the remaining water time (in seconds), start is the start time)

    This is what I get form it.


    [99,94,1608890795] should be the info I am looking for.
    99 would be pid
    94 would be rem
    1608890795 would be start

    How can I tell if this is a manual run of that station?



    If pid is 99, then it’s a manual run. Otherwise, the pid would be a valid program index (since there can only be up to 40 programs, a valid program ID would be from 0 to 39).



    Thanks Ray.
    I am trying to make a monitoring system for my installation.
    I have well issues so I need to know with the system fails. I am using MQTT and HTTP to connect to Node-Red and it seems to be working.
    I need to add a pressure sensor and a flow sensor (both via an ESP) and I will have full control on what happened during irrigation.

    Thanks once again.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Is there a way to tell via API if the station is running via manual start?