OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Program switch problem

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  • #69502

    Ryan Turnquist

    I would like to make the suggestion to alter the program switch activation to NOT stop any currently active program.

    I have a client that uses OS to control indoor lighting to run from 7am to 7pm. In addition to the lighting, the system also controls a watering system. The program switch is used to activate program 2 to run a dummy zone to start a master pump to manually water. During the entire day the lighting program is active so if the program switch is pushed it will turn off the lights. Which basically renders the program switch useless. The program switch is vital to the usefulness of the system so I am hoping there is a solution. I know it is possible to use the app to manually run the pump (via dummy zone) while also running the lighting program but access to the app is not available to all that use the manually watering capability.




    Sure, I understand the motivation behind this requested change. Will put it on todo list. If you are able to compile the firmware yourself, this will be a rather simple change in the program code.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Program switch problem