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  • #69728


    I understand this is still in development
    When the Master zone is configured, it is not reported in MQTT messages.
    No Wifi Stats
    No Power Stats



    Yes, I detected this issue as well. Master zone is not reported via MQTT. I hope it will be considered in the future.



    I’m another who just discovered this after a an hour or two of hair pulling. oh well. Could we get this implemented in the future release please? I’m trying to activate a long distance master valve via Lorawan after an MQTT trigger.



    You can’t activate master zone independently. Master zone can only be activated by another zone that is associated with it. You can use a dummy zone, set it to activate master 1 (or 2, whichever you need). Then when you activate that dummy zone, it activates the master.



    Yes, sorry I wasn’t clear. I am trying to use a master trigger to activate another device (lorawan). I basically need an MQTT event fired when the master is active. I could set a trigger from the stations linked to the master, but thought a mqtt from master directly is simplest.



    Just tested this in the the latest firmware (v2.2.1) and I am getting MQTT events for master stations when turning ON stations configured to use the master.
    However, I’m not getting the MQTT events for master stations when turning the same stations OFF.

    Reported here:




    From: https://opensprinkler.com/forums/topic/announcing-opensprinkler-unified-firmware-2-2-10/#post-79779

    For that reason, we didn’t add ‘master off’ but this can be added in the future.

    Can we please add that as a feature request?

    I am sending ON and OFF signals to a remote location to control my master pump … far beyond hard wiring or WiFi distance. I need a reliable method from OpenSprinkler to know when the master pump is supposed to turn ON or shut OFF. Currently I am using my own long distance radio hardware and I’m polling the OpenSprinkler system against the API method to get the status of all stations every 5 seconds — but this is unnecessarily taxing the OpenSprinkler MCU and sometimes it becomes unresponsive for short periods.

    Another helpful feature (at least for me …) would be to flag all the “opensprinkler/station/##” topic MQTT messages as RETAINED. If I had this I could use MQTT as the single source for existing station states. Well .. on second thought, maybe even better than retaining the message would be to set the message expiry on the MQTT message to equal the length of time the station is expected to run for ON states This way the message will remain available to MQTT subscribers while the zone is actively running. This handles a use case where the subscriber connects to the MQTT broker after stations are already actively running and the subscriber would have missed the ON notification message.

    Thanks, Robert



    Can I ask you to not duplicate the same message on the forum and also on github? This reduces my work of having to respond the same thing to both places.



    Absolutely. Moving conversation to Github issue:

    (no further comments here…)

    Thanks, Robert

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