Hi, I have an OpenSprinkler DIY 2.2 that has been updated to the latest supported firmware version (2.1.7). It has worked great for many years, until I went to turn it on for the season this year. The water level says 100% all the time, no matter what the weather is doing (including significant rain). I have tried Zimmerman and ETo methods, neither of which work. I have factory reset my device and re-configured it from scratch. I have manually made calls to the weather API, and they return values (an http 200 response), though I don’t know what the values of the payload are supposed to be. I can see calls are being made to the weather API, but no change to the water level is being calculated.
I filed a support ticket, and was told:
“Due to changes to the weather service, only the latest firmware 2.1.9(9) works with the weather service, previous firmware versions no longer gets valid updates from the weather service. It looks like what you have is OpenSprinkler version 2.2, which unfortunately can no longer be updated to the latest firmware. I apologize for the inconvenience.”
It’s unfortunate that the weather service has had to change, but I have a hard time believing that an older firmware can’t work with the new service. I fully understand that OpenSprinkler may not want to maintain an old firmware, but surely we can compile our own version from source code with the necessary changes to make weather-based time changes work again. Does anyone know where the source code is to make these changes, and/or has anyone else run into this issue on legacy hardware, and what have you done to overcome this? Thanks.