OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Locked out after password update

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  • #73242


    I have a 2.0 hardware open sprinkler unit. I updated my password and the unit became completely locked. Any change on the URL to access my unit would result in a 401 forbidden error. I ended up flashing firmware all the way up to 2.0.9 with no change in this error. I then flashed up to 2.1.7 and was able to get everything working. The only trouble now is that this firmware limits the number of programs to a max of 8. So, I downgraded again to 2.1.0 and got 14 programs back. The other firmware between .0 and .7 did not work at all. I would flash them but the unit would not power up. It just sat there with no screen activity on the unit itself. I saw in the release notes that version .6 lists 28 programs as the limit but again, when i flash it the unit does not boot at all. Wondering if there’s a way to get a new firmware that enables more program options. 25-28 would be great as I have 16 zones that water at specific times on different days. Any help would be much appreciated.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Locked out after password update