All of my home network services exposed on the internet are accessible through a reverse proxy, using NGinx Proxy Manager (
Using a reverse proxy provides stronger, embedded security features, improving the resilience against attacks over the internet.
NGinx Proxy Manager has a nice user interface to easily configure reverse proxing and SSL, but it lacks documentation on the advanced configuration. It is based on NGinx server, but it is not that simple to adapt the NGinx text-only configurations you can find googling around.
I wanted to:
– add SSL encryption when connecting to my OpenSprinkler PI over the internet. This is the very simple step, no advanced skills required.
– add an extra username/password to the OpenSprinkler one. This extra layer of security is provided by the reverse proxy and can be changed whenever I need, without changing the OpenSprinkler main password. This was not so easy, but I finally achieve it.
Please refer to the original NGinx Proxy Manager documentation on how to install it. The attached simple manual gives you the tips to correctly configure the Proxy Host. I want to thank Samer of the OpenSprinkler support, he pointed me to the right direction.
You can find the essential, advanced part of the configuration in the last two pages.