OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware IFTTT notifications – Events Controller Reboot stopped working, but….

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  • #77004


    So, my home router died and my internet provider replaced it with the exact same make and model as before. We restored the router from a backup file and it is back up and running. However, I noticed on the IFTTT notifications events, that the rain sensor and and program start still work correctly and report that to my email. But, the ‘controller reboot’ event notifications I no longer receive.

    I have always been on fw 2.2.0(1) hardware 3.2 – AC

    I know the program ‘:>reboot’ is still running, because I watched the controller reboot when the time event happened to reboot the controller.

    I can’t figure this one out, when all I changed was my router. The open sprinkler has a static IP address assigned on the opensprinkler controller and I have the same IP address static assigned by the MAC in my router.

    I have removed the IFTTT key and event notifications. Saved it. Then added them back and same results, I only get notified when a program runs or the rain sensor is activated or de-activated. I get no reporting when the controller is rebooted.

    Does anyone know of any ideas to fix this? I thought about setting the controller back to factory defaults and then using the backup export fie to set up the controller again. However, I have been hesitant on doing this, since the controller and been running just fine now for about a year.

    This is the message I no longer receive ‘What: sprinkler
    When: September 6, 2023 at 11:02PM
    Extra Data: On site [My OpenSprinkler], rebooted. Device IP:, , ,’

    This is the messages I still receive. ‘What: sprinkler
    When: September 13, 2023 at 07:22AM
    Extra Data: On site [My OpenSprinkler], station [S01] closed. It ran for 0 minutes 4 seconds., , ‘

    Thank you…..



    If I check my IFTTT app for the activity. I can see the activity when the controller sends the notification on the station that I just manually ran. I don’t see any activity in the IFTTT app for any controller reboots. So, I am thinking this is something on the controller side, then it is with IFTTT webhooks?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware IFTTT notifications – Events Controller Reboot stopped working, but….