I’m working to migrate from my custom OS integration to the HA one. I calculate eto daily, which generates a program string [x,x,x,x],[y,y,y,y,y] where x are the start times and y the station run times. I’ve got the logic figured out through the HA web api on how to load up the start times and durations — however I can’t figure out how to disable a start time. So one day I might have [210,400,-1,-1], [1,2,3,4] and the program would run at 210 and 400 minutes after midnight. The next day might be [300,-1,-1,-1],[1,2,3,4], so only run the program once 300 mintues after midnight. The HA integration start times are numbers, so they don’t accept a -1 value. If I write a 0, I _think_ it will run at midnight.
Just wondering if anyone else came across this and have any suggestions or advice?