OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Can I get the latest firmware on older ospi v1.4 board with RPI 1?

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    I have a ospi board v1.4 circa 2012 that’s running fine. BUT The firmware is so old at this point that the latest version of the android app does not work with it.

    Is it possible to update to lateest firmware onto this super old 32 bit rpi?

    If need be I can start from scratch with a suitable older rpi os. It currently has raspbian jessie on it.

    AFAIK there is not upgrade path. I need a new install. Not an issue to redo the configuration

    App Version: 2.4.1
    firmware 2.1.8

    If the old RPI is not up to it. I have an rpi 3. I suppose with a cable I could still use the old ospi1.4 board.



    I also have esp32 around so could try one of those but also would have to make custom connection to existing pi1 bus connector



    Yes the latest firmware runs on all versions of RPi, including Rpi 1.



    Great. So how do I upgrade with the hardware above. Can I do that direct on sd card? Do I need to update from jessie first?

    AFAIK that can not be done via web ui.

    Explain or point/url to some reference page please. Whatever instructions there are have to include upgrade via linux which is my desktop os.




    maybe this?

    will that build script work even though it’s rpi1?



    I am a bit confused. You said “I have a ospi board v1.4 circa 2012 that’s running fine” — but what RPi are you using with it? Don’t you have a RPi plugged into the OSPi at the moment? Otherwise, how is it running fine? You can update the firmware on any RPi — the firmware runs fine regardless of the RPi version.



    Yes per the pics a 1.4 ospi “motherboard” and rpi1. I took the rpi off to take a pic and identify the version of motherboard and rpi.

    I will try building it per that link.

    BUT is it possible to cross compile (using platformio) or is there available a precompiled binary for <3 rpi versions? I imagine the build on a rpi1 is going to be painfully slow.



    I had to start from scratch with burning new sd card with raspbian bookworm armhf, but I got OSPi compiled and running.

    enabled i2c and former configuration works fine. All good. Solved.



    Great. Thanks for the update.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Can I get the latest firmware on older ospi v1.4 board with RPI 1?