OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler AI Powered Sprinkler Inhibitor

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    I mentioned in my post about 5v power that I would repost if my sprinkler inhibitor project, using the OpenAI API, worked out. I think it is working pretty well now. The prompts took considerable tuning. I added Over-the-Air programming. The github for this project is:

    You might want to take a look at this. Adding an AI option to OpenSprinkler looks pretty do-able. If nothing else, adding AI to the product description is almost as good a marketing thing as “low fat” or “Gluten Free”. I am using an ESP32 but conceptually it should work okay on an ESP8266 with minor changes.

    This project integrates well into Opensprinkler as a stand-alone box. It draws power from the 5v line, as we dsicussed. No relay is needed. The Inhibitor’s GPIO output goes directly into SN2.

    This was fun. I hope others can get some use out of the concept.




    Very cool. I like the circular display, looks very nice. Thanks for sharing!

    On a high level, the goal you want to achieve is what the OpenSprinkler-Weather script is doing, except our weather algorithm isn’t using gen AI at the moment. The weather script runs on a cloud server, and the firmware queries it every few hours to get the watering percentage.

    I imagine a local (non-cloud) AI-based solution can be very useful for adding computer vision to the controller. For example, turn on sprinklers when there are cats or wild animals on the lawn. It can also be used to add voice recognition capabilities.



    Thanks for the kind words, Ray.

    I do have voice recognition, using Anazon Echo!

    I can cancel watering (like an oral E-Stop), Start watering a zone for a specifies time (“water zone 2 for 10 minuites”). or check to see of watering is scheculed for the current day. I did not try to program a function to set up a watering schedule orally (too tough). Sadly, I worote it in Python2. Amazon no longer accepts new skills written in Python2. It must be Python3 now. I have been too lazy to rewrite it, since it still runs in my developer’s space. They did not take the Python2 interpreter down entirely.

    If anyone would like the code, I can post it on Github.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler AI Powered Sprinkler Inhibitor