OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software OpenSprinkler for your Pebble watch Reply To: OpenSprinkler for your Pebble watch



Thanks… I got the URL working. My problem was that I was using http:// in the front of the URL. I ended up with three controllers because I interpreted Ray’s comments last year that extenders over 50 feet were iffy. I am managing many zones over a large area, and so I decided to use two controllers to replace the ones I was removing as “production” controllers. Then, I added another for my wife’s garden that I use as a “sandbox” system for trying new things out. Now that it seems I can run a long extender cable, it looks like I can simplify things with just a 300′ Cat 5 cable run.

by the way, my Pebble says “Rain sensor says its raining” even though I have the “use rain sensor” box unchecked.