OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App weather adj issue with humidity level set to zero Reply To: weather adj issue with humidity level set to zero



With your location known, I found the log entries for the queries to the weather service. One unique thing is the URL encoding. Here is what I am seeing in the log data:

[08/Aug/2015:01:11:18 +0000] "GET /*removed*&fwv=215&wto=\x22h\x22:10,\x22t\x22:100,\x22r\x22:100 HTTP/1.1" 200

Notice the quotes are replaced with \x22 when the URL encoding should be %22.

I am not sure if this is being changed on our end however I have noticed you are not the only one being affected by this. I am going to update the script to handle this situation and see if it resolves the issue.

Update: The changes are done. I still am not confident this is the fix needed since you saw some variability when changing the options. With that said, let me know if this makes any difference.