OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Blinds,roller shutter motors, awning motors control Reply To: Blinds,roller shutter motors, awning motors control



Thank for the answer.
For the garage opener it works fine with the wires that i can connect also to the open close button,inside the garage.
With the blinds the idea was to use freguencies to comand the blinds because on telis4 remote you have to change channel for different blinds ,( one solution could be to asign all blinds to one telis1 remote and control them together and solder for the two buttons of the remote two channels of OS).
A point is that by using frequency control you don,t need this expansion module for Os, you can use the virtual expansion slots.
Decoding with Arduino is a ” little ” too complicated for me so for the time I am waiting maybe somebody finds a solution!
Thanks again and keep up with the good work!