OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware WU API working but no Weather Data for Zimmerman adjustment Reply To: WU API working but no Weather Data for Zimmerman adjustment



yes you are right, may be specific to Germany as i tried other Citys like Berlin …. so and they all looks the same, no data 🙁

If i compare it with the
its different
history data is wrong Date:

"history": {
		"date": {
		"pretty": "January 1, 1970",
		"year": "1970",
		"mon": "01",
		"mday": "01",
		"hour": "00",
		"min": "59",
		"tzname": "Europe/Berlin"
		"utcdate": {
		"pretty": "December 31, 1969",
		"year": "1969",
		"mon": "12",
		"mday": "31",
		"hour": "23",
		"min": "59",
		"tzname": "UTC"
		"observations": [
		"dailysummary": [
		{ "date": {
		"pretty": "12:59 AM CET on January 01, 1970",
		"year": "1970",
		"mon": "01",
		"mday": "01",
		"hour": "00",
		"min": "59",
		"tzname": "Europe/Berlin"

so shi* WU.
So the /forecast/ is working well but the /yesterday/ not 🙁

If i change to open weather map i have a another issue: water level is changing every hour and in the night it goes to nearly zero. even if the over the day we have 30 degrees C as of today.

any idea how to fix it?
could you change the WU api key to OWM ?