OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Openweathermap watering 0% Reply To: Openweathermap watering 0%



@Sturdley, any chance you can let me know your aprox location (lat/lon say one decimal place = 10 miles) and any nearby PWS that you have used in the past. I would like to log some data and check out the situation. I’ve posted elsewhere that OWM is OK for me (but then I’m in London only 5 miles from the OWM HQ). So fully understand that different locations will have different results. We cant do anything about the accuracy of OWM forecasts but we can tweak our Zimmerman algorithm a bit. In my view it is currently very sensitive to forecast rain and I’m working with the OpenSprinkler team to try and improve on this. I would like to log the data from your location and compare with a couple of other providers and see what the data can tell us.

@paravais, as I say above, OWM accuracy seems to vary significantly depending on location. I’m glad you have the local Weather Service up and running and that it seems to be meeting needs. I don’t think server resources are the problem here. It just seems that for some locations OWM doesn’t provide an accurate forecast. If you would be willing to post your approx. location also then I would be very keen to try and quantify the problem.