OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Hall sensors in parallel, and/or perhaps too high pulse rate? Reply To: Hall sensors in parallel, and/or perhaps too high pulse rate?



I found the data sheet of my Hall effect 3 wires flow sensor: it produces a square wave, with frequency [Hz] = 0.5 x Q [liter/min]. As I know my typical irrigation flow is 100 liters/min (recommended range of my 1.5″ flow sensor is 10-150 l/min), the maximum frequency is 50 Hz = 50 pulses per second. Is this too much to handle for the OS ? Also I am irrigating in 15 minutes cycles, so total flow count is something like 50x60x15 = 45000, too high ? Thanks for checking into this.
Again I would gladly go with the 2-wires flow meters, but at 1″ thick they are 10″ long, I have no room in the pipes to install them.