OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



The one downside of the hosted web app is the lack of logging. Unfortunately, there is no way to poll data from the OpenSprinkler without saving the password on the server, which I want to avoid for security reasons. Also, I don’t want to poll the OpenSprinkler over the Internet as this would cause a bit of traffic/latency which some user’s can’t afford. However, everything else is the same.

On the topic of logging, I’m thinking that I’d prefer logging be performed in Dan’s python interval program. I believe that is a better source of truth since it is the application that actually controls the GPIO/OSPi. Logs can be be exposed via a web service to the mobile webapp, whether hosted or not.

This is a little more consistent with the way the rest of the mobile webapp behaves, as a front-end delegating backend application functionality.
