OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



Ok, some feedback (feature requests).

It would be great to have some GUI feedback on that the location entered in settings actually can be looked up. Best of all would be if the resulting WOEID could be displayed somewhere in the webapp. Could be a green check mark next to location setting and the WOEID printed out there too.

How about having the latest received current weather condition, with icon, temperature and time acquired, displayed somewhere in the webapp?

Maybe where the tip section is today would be a great place to have current weather data. BTW, please let us toggle the tip section in settings.

Is there a way to reformat the date based on the local browser locale? I’m from Sweden and I really don’t like the way it’s presented right now. It’s sort of ok in Device Time (Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:20:44), not perfect but ok, but the Logs section (Thu, 6/27/2013 5:15 AM) is not. I’m ok with running the webapp in en or us-en, in fact i prefer that, but the short date format and AM/PM times are not easy on my eyes.

EDIT: Right, to complicate things even more we use Celsius here… 😉
