OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App for OpenSprinkler (w/Screenshots)



@wyone I am happy people are enjoying the application! I agree 100% Ray has put together some killer hardware!!!

Here is how the weather works (in the latest version): When you first open the application I check to see if we know the WOEID (a Yahoo specific location identifier), if it is not known we do a lookup using your location on the OpenSprinkler. We then cache this value for the remainder of the app and only update it if you change your settings. Every time the main page is shown we update the weather. This includes going back and forth between pages. However, the weather will not update by itself, a page change has to trigger it.

By the way, the weather problems are because the web app still hasn’t been updated yet on Ray’s website. Hopefully, he will get that updated soon and we can see if your issues are resolved.