OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated) Re: Re: Mobile Web App with Screenshots (Updated)



Significant maintenance was done to the code today. Small improvements were made to the static item’s opening time. For example, rain delay and are you sure dialog’s now open up instantly. More of the app will behave in this fashion when possible.

I also fixed as many bugs as I could find and added password confirmation to every password creation field (installer, change password, and new user).

One of the other major changes were the settings. I reorganized all of them into discrete groups (device vs application). If any of this isn’t intuitive let me know.

I have to apologize to the few user’s working on localization. I have been swapping strings quite often and I know that can be annoying. In the future, I will try to update the english strings less frequently and only when I am sure of the strings wording.

Also, I think it is fair to say the hosted webapp is deprecated. I cannot maintain both copies of the same app. However, I do have a replacement in the pipeline. I cannot promise if/when the replacement will come out however I do have it planned. It will be purely Javascript and be made to run off the SD card in the OpenSprinkler. This copy will obviously work anywhere and can be a drop in replacement to the hosted web app. Initially, this will be built requiring OpenSprinkler firmware 2.0.2 or later.