OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!) Re: Re: OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.0-beta (Major Upgrade!)



Hi salbahra,

Thanks for the quick response, I have decided to use the info on 2.0.9 to at least get up and running. I still need to get an Ethernet drop to my controller cabinet so I just need to get the sprinklers functioning before everything dies!!!!

I did see your Github push but am not sure what I need to do to apply the change and its late so I will wait for the weekend to finish things up.

Btw I am willing to be a beta tester for the iOS apps. I have a dev account with Apple but do not use it much but hope to play more now I have the OpenSprinkler. I am also looking at learning Swift, my back ground was C programming but that was in the past.

This definitely one of the really big upsides of OSS, you get much better responses to issues.

Thanks again.

