OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware OpenSprinkler (not OSPi!) Firmware 2.0.9 Released Re: Re: OpenSprinkler (not OSPi!) Firmware 2.0.9 Released



@TechFan wrote:

Have been meaning to comment on the new duration dialog. Not much fun to use on my phone. I would much rather have a submit button than just clicking off window.

I can add back a submit button for sure. I just thought it was bulky and I also made the popups live update the button. So as you change, the button value is perm changed behind you (in case it accidentally closes). But it is very easy to add this back in and will.

@TechFan wrote:

I definitely don’t miss the sliders though. They were too easy to adjust accidentally.

Haha no one does!

@TechFan wrote:

Spinners like with the date might be nicer if that was an option.

The problem with the iOS spinner is it’s iOS only. The date input needs a lot of help and I also wanna fix the other input (minutes/seconds/etc). But won’t be in the next one.