OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Add field to display for additional configurable item

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  • #59879


    I am going to add a pressure sensor so I can keep track of pump pressure – filter clogging, loss of prime, etc. I am working on a python program to monitor pressure but it would be great if I could see pressure on the web page and app. Needs to have some capability for scaling to appropriate units. This is for OSPi



    I mentioned this in a different thread previously: if you want to add custom parameters, and do not want to modify the UI/app Javascript since it’s a big file (it contains some more than 11 thousand lines of code…), an easy work-around is to just modify the firmware, to create a new page that displays your custom information. For example, you can hook up a page on the firmware side, call it /pressure that spits out the custom variables you want to monitor. You do have to go to the http://x.x.x.x/pressure page to check the data, and it’s not integrated into the homepage, but this is a much smaller amount of efforts and does not require modifying the UI/app code at all.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Add field to display for additional configurable item