OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software Adding to the list of Station Types

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    Hello, I am in the process of adding I2C support for OS and cannot figure out how to add the option of I2C to the Station Types. I suspect is part of the stns.dat file but how do I edit it? I see there are writes and reads of the file but nothing regarding the Station Types.

    Also is it possible to modify the User Interface?

    Thank you in advance for your response.



    Can you give more specifics? What do you mean by adding I2C support? OpenSprinkler 3.x already supports I2C. Did you mean a specific I2C device?



    I am adding support for MCP23017. So the communication will be done through the I2C pins (GPIO2/SDA and GPIO3/SCL). MCP23017 will directly control 16 stations. I have the firmware changes implemented but now in the user interface I need to add the option to set each station to I2C. Right now the options are Standard, RF, Remote, GPIO and HTTP. So since I am not using the actual GPIOs of the RaspberryPI I need to add another I2C choice to the list.



    I think I found where the Station Types are defined. Is in the JS file but looks like is hosted remotely. Would it be possible to host it locally while I’m testing the changes?



    Are you trying to do this for ESP8266 or Rasbperry Pi? OpenSprinkler 3.x which is based on ESP8266, already support PCA9555/PCA9535, which is an I2C expander similar to MCP23017 but cheaper.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software Adding to the list of Station Types