OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software Any Home Assistant Users uploading programs?

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    I’m working to migrate from my custom OS integration to the HA one. I calculate eto daily, which generates a program string [x,x,x,x],[y,y,y,y,y] where x are the start times and y the station run times. I’ve got the logic figured out through the HA web api on how to load up the start times and durations — however I can’t figure out how to disable a start time. So one day I might have [210,400,-1,-1], [1,2,3,4] and the program would run at 210 and 400 minutes after midnight. The next day might be [300,-1,-1,-1],[1,2,3,4], so only run the program once 300 mintues after midnight. The HA integration start times are numbers, so they don’t accept a -1 value. If I write a 0, I _think_ it will run at midnight.

    Just wondering if anyone else came across this and have any suggestions or advice?



    It should be possible to let your old thing and the HA integration run in parallel, as long as you don’t execute conflicting commands.

    I have an OS running.
    I use the HA integration for monitoring purposes since a long time.
    I have used Nodered to set WaterLevel for a long time.

    Now I use a different waterlevel calculation logic running in Nodered, running in parallel with the HA integration, without problems.
    It executes a one-time program over the API. Start time is controlled by Nodered. Sequence is then controlled by OS.



    Thanks. So you set each of the start_time_offsets, start_time_offset_type, and station_duration entities without issue? Hitting the webapi will all these calls at once sometimes a few entities don’t change (I have 11 stations).

    I also found a partial answer to my question, some of the start_time_offset_type entities have a ‘disabled’ select option, so that’s what’s used for -1

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OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software Any Home Assistant Users uploading programs?