OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Any Software available using sensor data (ADC)

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    Hey there,

    it first: I really searched the forum for any answers, checked the wiki and installed various available control packages on my OSPi.
    I didn’t see more options then using the rain sensor (on/off state) or an weather api for a more complex control setup.

    I was wondering if there is any public available solution to integrate sensor data (e.g. soil moisture, temperature/humidity, etc.) to the control cycles of OSPi.
    I’m currently running the OSPi v1.4. I know that basically I can connect any sensor like a soil moisture sensor to an analog input and process the values on the Raspberry Pi, but I’m looking for an already available solutions.

    Thanks for any information on OTHER software projects for OSPi than:
    – sprinklers_pi (by Richard Zimmerman)
    – interval_program
    – mobile interface (by Samer Albahra)



    I don’t think any of the provided OSPi software has built-in support for using analog sensor to trigger sprinkler events. This blog post has instructions of basic use of the PCF8591T ADC:
    If you have some programming experience, it’s not difficult to modify the existing OSPi software to add ADC support. Because different users may want to use different sensors, this part is largely left to users to customize.



    Hello ray,

    thanks for your response.

    Your idea is it to add ADC support to the interval program?:

    I’m not used to Python (yet) but I will give it a try and will share any results of it 😉



    The inveral program now supports plug-in architecture, so you can create a new plug-in, which reads in analog sensor values and uses that to trigger some sprinkler event.



    That sounds great.

    Unfortunately I’m still confused about the repository or locations where to find stuff.

    e.g. The GitHub repo (OSPi -> software -> interval…) seems to have been archived 7 months ago.
    => Where to find the latest commits?
    UPDATE .. just found it:

    Another thing: I recieved the OSPi v1.4 (the latest updated – thanks for that ;-))
    => Where to find the hardware schematics (Eagle SCH and BRD)?

    Thanks for your help.



    Sorry about the confusion. The hardware design files are still released in my Github repository:
    but the software, such as Dan’s interval_program and Rich’s sprinklers_pi program are maintained in their own Github repository respectively.

    Just realized I haven’t checked in OSPi 1.4 schematic and board files. Thanks for reminding, will check them in tomorrow. Thanks.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Any Software available using sensor data (ADC)