OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software API command # 18 – Start Run-Once Program

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  • #74230



    Two questions/comments :
    1.- Faced this API command and at the begining was not clear it purpose, since it says “run once program” and actually it does not run any program….what it does is run once stations. I think the title is missleading . From the user guide
    http://os-ip/cr?pw=xxx&t=%5B60,0,60,0,60,0,600,0%5D // start a run-once program that turns on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th stations for 1 minute each). On 7 there is typo…

    2.- I found this command easy to turn on stations and also turn them off, but when trying to turn off(all stations = 0), I get “result”:16 .BTW, it does work ok to turn them on.
    Any idea why I am getting this error, that means “Data missing”?



    Run-once program means an ‘ad-hoc’ program, i.e. one-time use program. So this command does NOT run one of your existing programs, but rather a one-time use program. If you want to run an existing program, there is a different API for that.

    Since it’s a one-time use program, you can’t set all zones to have 0 run-time — that is not a valid program. You can use another command to reset all zones (i.e. turn all zones off). It’s all in the API document.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software API command # 18 – Start Run-Once Program