Was planning to use opensprinkler in a farm with no internet so was wondering if I can connect temp + humidity sensors to allow automatic watering adjustment.
Is this possible?
While this can be done, it requires you to modify the firmware — reading temperature + humidity sensor needs to be implemented; and how exactly that affects the water adjustment also needs to be implemented.
Instead of modify your code, What if I can emulate darksky API. So basically hook up the sensors with small script to read them and create a file that emulates darksky api.Actually noticed that DarkSky is now own by Apple . Is the API format available? BTW, read that this service might shut down during 2021. Is this correct? How easy is to change the weather service provider?
We are aware of the discontinuation of darksky at the end of this year and are looking at alternative weather data sources. OpenWeatherMap, which we had used before switching to darksky is still available and we can easily switch to it by changing a configuration flag. The weather code is written in a very modular way so it’s fairly easy to integrate a new weather data source.
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