OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Black Screen @ connect – IOS or browser remote/local

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  • #80521



    I own two version 3 systems (3.2AC) Firmware 2.1.9(9) and have been very pleased since purchase. I was pleased with an older version as well so I bought two more of the later models.

    Time to blow out the systems here in New York and I had not logged in to either recently. I first noticed black screen with the IOS App login. I then attempted login (which appears successful) with a browser, but likewise a black screen at either location.

    Working locally at one location using local IP address and browser, same thing: black screen. At the display of the device itself all looks normal: gateway OK; local and outside IP addresses OK; time sync OK; weather update OK. Device can be pinged locally,but there is no doubt that login is successful. Upon reaching either device a login screen appears and upon connection, screen is black. Rebooted the one local device several times in order to record model/software and MAC info. Rebooting made no difference.

    Something obviously happened not stimulated by a local human being!



    One possible reason is you may be using ETo weather algorithm and the returned data by ETo is now quite large and exceeds the storage allocated to it in your firmware. So the bottomline is your firmware 2.1.9(9) is outdated. If you are not ready to upgrade your firmware yet, you can try the following:

    Download the API testing script:
    open it in a browser, put in your controller’s IP and device password, then choose Change Options (/co) API at the end. Type in option name:
    and value
    This will reset the weather algorithm to 0. After that, power cycle your controller (remove power and then plug in power again). That should fix the issue, if the issue is indeed caused by the weather data.

    You can also use the script to save a copy of your configurations (the Get Json All /ja API). But in the end the only solution is to upgrade your firmware to the latest 2.2.1, which should solve this problem for good. Firmware update instructions are here:



    Thank you, Ray for a prompt response.

    I’ll try both approaches where I am today.
    Tomorrow I will be at the second location.

    If it works “here,” it will likely work “there” as well. 😉

    I’ll report back the results of resetting the weather data and the firmware update.





    Quick positive result on the local system!

    I ran the API script on the local network private IP address space and I received the positive JSON message.

    I then logged in using the IOS app and it worked a treat. Interface screen is now as expected, aka “normal” and functional.

    I’ll do the update next.

    Meanwhile . . .

    Is there a reason the script will not work over the Internet for the remote site?

    I plugged in the correct outside IP address (DNS name did not work)
    I appended the correct :port.

    IP/Port not reachable.

    Not a big problem as I will be on site tomorrow and that system has been winterized.

    ~ Joe

    EDIT: While getting to the remote system through the WEB does not appear to be a viable option, the temporary fix suggested by Ray worked well locally and then I was able to update the firmware locally as suggested and . . . the update seems to work fine.

    I appreciate the help.



    I got here from finding my OS system no longer watering and unresponsive to access via the app and browser, and I know I was using the ETo watering adjustment. Investigating using the browser console, I found the javascript dying in the weather adjustment section. I know the fw is without warranty & without payment for ongoing support, etc., but couldn’t this problem have been avoided by deprecating ETo for the old firmware by adjusting the ETo data source, and having the updated firmware get the full ETo data from an updated web address? Even adjusting the javascript, which gets downloaded anew each time we start the UI, to catch the problem and recover would have made this go more smoothly.

    Also if there was some UI message that the firmware was out of date & no longer working with ETo, I would have caught the Firmware up the next time I used it – OpenSprinkler had been working for so long that I hadn’t opened the UI in a while.

    Thanks, and best regards! I’ll have to circle back soon and look at the new features, once I get my garden recovered.



    The UI does display notification for new firmware update, but it won’t help if the root problem is the UI can’t be displayed due to outdated firmware.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Black Screen @ connect – IOS or browser remote/local