OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Can I use MQTT for reading a soil moisture sensor?

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    I have OSPi running on a RaspberryPi, version 2.1.9 (7).
    MQTT is now integrated here, which I very much welcome.
    I have a soil moisture sensor in the greenhouse, based on an Arduino, which sends the relative soil moisture and a binary signal (wet / dry) to an MQTT broker.
    Can I subscribe to this topic somewhere in the OSPi in order to use it as a sensor in the OSPi?




    Soil sensors that output digital signals are already supported and the statuses are pushed to MQTT in firmware 2.1.9(7). If you are referring to analog soil sensor — the firmware does NOT support analog sensor because the GPIO pins used to read sensor status is not an analog pin. You would need to use either an i2c type of soil sensor, or have an i2c type of analog to digital converter in order to interface it with opensprinkler.



    He wants to subscripe a topic for an external sensor with the openspinkler, not publish data from a sensor connected to opensprinkler.



    Good idea, possible to do this? (similar with HTTP station, but not output, but also input and use a MQTT topic)

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Can I use MQTT for reading a soil moisture sensor?