OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions DIY Kit Assembly Questions Cannot communicate with board v2.1u

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    I’ve visually inspected for shorts multiple times, voltages all check out and 3.3v looks like it’s getting to pin 2 & Pin 28. Starting up with DHCP LCD displays “connecting” for about 1.5 mintues, with manual IP setting is takes about 2 seconds. Cannot connect to it at all. No lights on either router or on the pcb RJ45 jack. Though strangely, the RJ45 jack has multiple pins shorted to one another, and even more strange is that I cannot get any continuity test between the pcb pins and the RJ45 pins.
    So I’m thinking RJ45 is defective? What do you think?



    Hmmm. That wasn’t it.

    I’m guessing that based upon some previous posts that is the lcd gets past the ‘connecting’ prompt that the Ethernet controller has initialized? Sooooo maybe something wrong with the clock signal? hehe



    the RJ45 jack has multiple pins shorted to one another,

    can you explain what this means?



    Doing a continuity test with a multimeter, it looked like some pins were shorted to one another, but does not seem to be the actual case.



    I’m guessing that based upon some previous posts that is the lcd gets past the ‘connecting’ prompt that the Ethernet controller has initialized? Sooooo maybe something wrong with the clock signal? hehe

    That’s correct. If it can get past the ‘connecting’ screen, that means the Ethernet controller can initialize successfully. The LEDs on the Ethernet jack not lighting up is definitely an issue — the green light should light up, and the orange light should blink occasionally.

    About the continuity testing: the RJ45 jack is an isolated type (it has internal transformers): that means the PCB pins are not connected directly to the Ethernet cable wires.

    Any new findings? I’ve seen one previous case where the 25MHz crystal (for Ethernet controller) is defective. This is very rare, but it’s a non-zero chance.



    I was ready to write this long message about how I was having the same problem until I carefully inspected my PCB. For some reason, I didn’t solder the 8 pins in the staggered pattern for the RJ-45. A quick solder job and I was back in business with the lights on.



    Still at a loss. I just got a new crystal to try. I’m going to check the pins (again) of the Ethernet chip if the new crystal doesn’t work.



    Did not help. I also noticed that no matter how long I have the board powered the clock on the lcd does not change. Stays 00:00, which I would not expect since you have that timer chip and battery running the clock right?



    Stays 00:00, which I would not expect since you have that timer chip and battery running the clock right?

    Because your RTC hasn’t been set — it’s set upon the first successful NTP sync, but since your Ethernet connection is not working yet, it hasn’t synced with NTP. The RTC clock will not run if it hasn’t been set.



    One thing I suggest you do is to measure the voltage from each pin on the Ethernet controller, and write down the values so I can compare with reference. Start with the first pin (upper left corner), go down, and switch to the right side (lower right corner), and go up. There should be 28 pins in total.



    1: 2.58
    2: 0
    3: 1.57
    4: 3.28
    5: 3.28
    6: 0.1
    7: 2.94
    8: 0.21
    9: 2.83
    10: 3.28
    11: 0
    12: 1.13
    13: 1.13
    14: 1.23
    15: 3.28
    16: 0.02
    17: 0.02
    18: 0
    19: 3.28
    20: 3.28
    21: 0
    22: 0
    23: 1.41
    24: 1.76
    25: 3.28
    26: 0
    27: 0
    28: 3.28



    Still not quite sure where to go from here. Board still doesn’t want to connect.



    Sorry, I lost track on this thread. The voltages seem fine mostly, however, pin 23 and pin 24 (25MHz crystal) voltages are noticeably different from mine. Mine measures about 1.38V on both pins, while yours are considerably different. The problem might be in the 25MHz crystal. Please send an email to to arrange for replacement crystal.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions DIY Kit Assembly Questions Cannot communicate with board v2.1u