OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Cannot display additional pages in main forums page

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  • #34081


    New forum looks great, but am having a problem accessing pages other than the first page in the main forum listing page.

    For example, if I go to, click on “Forums”, then scroll to the bottom of that page and click on the “2” or “52” boxes or the right-arrow box, I get a “page not found” error (see attachment).  I get this whether I’m logged into the forum or not.

    If I click on the “Hardware Questions” or “OpenSprinkler Mobile App” forums (those are the only ones I tried – I assume all the other works similarly), I’m able to navigate to subsequent pages using the page links at the top or bottoms of those topic listing pages just fine.



    You are absolutely correct that the pagination on the forum root page is not working. I will get this fixed but in the meantime, I have removed them and labeled them “Recent Topics”. They will be restored once they work again.

    Thanks for the report and screenshot!



    It has been quite a while and for that I apologize but I finally resolved the pagination issue (quite simple just couldn’t find the time). Thanks again for the report!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Cannot display additional pages in main forums page