OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Can't upgrade OS firmware on Mac or PC

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    I just got an OpenSprinkler hardware v2.3 and am trying to upgrade the firmware just to make sure I have the latest build. I downloaded the update utility on my Mac, and it told me I need to install the USB to serial drivers. OK, fine; I installed the drivers from the osx.pkg file that the update utility automatically downloaded, restarted the Mac, and relaunched the update utility. It still asks me to install the drivers I just installed.

    I then decided to try the Windows version of the update tool. It seems to run OK, but after attempting to upgrade the firmware, it fails with the log output in the attached file. It seems that the firmware is written to the OS flash correctly, but then the verification between the flash and the firmware file on the PC fails because the flash can’t be read properly. So does this mean the upgrade was actually successful and only the check failed?




    First of all, just to make sure the device has been detected correctly, plug in a USB cable and check the device manager to see if the operating system detects the USB-serial chip. On Windows, go to device manager and it should appear as a USB-serial port (CH340G, with a port name like COM?? where ?? is the assigned serial port number). On Mac, you can go to System Information and under ‘USB’ it should list this as a serial device (again, the chip name is CH340G). You can also do ‘ls /dev/tty.wch*’ in command line to see if anything shows up.

    Next, from the screenshot it does look like the firmware has been flashed (albeit the verification error). Does the controller boot up correctly? If it doesn’t boot up, that means some error occurred during flashing. If you try to flash again, does it produce the same error?



    Hello Ray,

    Thanks for your reply! To answer your question, yes, both OS X and Windows 7 detect the USB-serial device. The upgrade succeeded on Windows and my OS is operational; it seems to be only the verification that failed for some reason.




    OK, if you notice anything dysfunctional, let me know and we can try to diagnose further.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Can't upgrade OS firmware on Mac or PC