Thought I’d share our prototype project as a first post 😉
Our intentions would be to control lights, fan, pumps. Sample soil moisture & pH (Not just water). We are developing the “SERIAL HMI” to monitor feedbacks and alarms should equipment fail in the field.
Really enjoy the hard yards put into this project and happy to contribute some myself.
Power supply is a home brew (parts purchased) 50VA toroid 24VAC/ 12VDC. We also have a tiny DVR & 12VDC Screen attached locally! – Could not find a cheap supply with the current we needed, so make one!
Things to complete on project:
– HMI with separate micro controller as alarm panel/remote console/ sd card logger.
– Float switch sensors and feedbacks on pump. mA Pressure sensing?
– Logging of Soil Sensors.
Really aiming for a 2 wire / rs 232 / rs485 remote console. You don’t need a lot of hardware to make that happen IMHO. Haven’t even looked into how we are going to do that, but I’m sure being a tiny linux pc it shouldn’t be that difficult.
Hope to bring more in the new year.